december 2017
“Uniti Possiamo Tutti. Self-organisation and social struggles in Milan”. Having made social movements in Greece and Spain the topic of our work in the past two years, we chose the political sphere in Milan as the topic for our third brochure. Focusing on the very topic of self-organised neighbourhood work we take a close look into the work of the „Comitato Abitanti Giambellino Lorenteggio“ and “Comitato Autonomo Abitanti Barona” in two working-class neighboorhoods of Milan.
download: brochure in english
download: broschüre auf deutsch
may 2017
„Zwischen einfach nur darüber Reden und es tatsächlich tun liegen Welten“
In einem Interview mit Marco vom Mailänder Stadtteilkomitee „Comitato Abitanti Giambellino Lorenteggio“ sprechen wir über die Wirkung des Komitees auf das Viertel, das neue Verständnis von radikal linker Politik und der Perspektive dieser Praxis. Das Interview erschien am 27.04.2017 auf
may & august 2016
“Vive la commune! Was wir von der Theorie des Kommunalismus und den rebellischen Städten in Spanien lernen können”
Kein Sommer der Anarchie? Was ist aus den »rebellischen Städten« in Spanien geworden?
In diesen Artikeln in der analyse&kritik 616 und 618 widmen wir uns Murray Bookchins strategischem Ansatz des Kommunalismus und befragen vor diesem Hintergrund das Verhältnis der munizipalistischen Regierung zu den sozialen Bewegungen Madrids.
december 2015
“preguntando cambiamos. strategies of social movements in barcelona and madrid”. in this brochure we attempt to give an overview over different strategic debates within the movements of barcelona and madrid. most of the initiatives we interviewed try to localize their political struggles and attempt to organize around issues of daily concern. their assumptions, perspecitves and shortcomings were part of our discussions.
download: brochure in english
download: brochure in german
“consolidating power. the left has to rethink its theoretical and tactical apparatus”. this summer we took the chance and interviewed david harvey. the result, published in ROAR-mag’s first printed issue, is an interesting discussion about the shortcomings of the left, the importance of urban local organization and our wrong focus on the first volume of the capital.
download: interview in english
go to: ROAR magazine issue #0
february 2015
“what’s next? social movements in greece after the change of government”. a 28-paged brochure with six short interviews with different activists of local struggles about their current state just two weeks after syriza got elected in february. a shurely interesting snap shot of what looked back then as a window of opportunity.
download: brochure in english
download: brochure in german
download: brochure in farsi